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I’m excited to share with you my latest video BIG BLOCK live featuring: Buddy Allen/bass, Lee Jeffryes/drum and Vlad Barsky/keys. Shot live at Al Weber’s studio in Nutley NJ Jan 2020. IMPORTANT CHANGE TO SHOW: the show Thursday March 4th 7pm Stanhope House live stream on FaceBook WILL AIR SOMETIME IN MARCH. I will get […]

Upcoming Stanhope House live stream

Hi everyone! I took a break from sending my newsletter last week to focus on being with Judy and Jasper, they had the week off. Musicians however rarely get a week off LOL! SUBJECT TO CHANGE: my next show will be Thursday March 4th 7pm Stanhope House live stream on FaceBook hosted by blues radio […]


Hi! Wow! I have no idea what to write about in my weekly newsletter LOL! There’s a lot going on but with the COVID pandemic, all the snow that we have gotten in NYC and the fact that I’ve been very busy producing people, I haven’t been focused on Dave Fields things! Other than that, […]

New Video!

Greetings from snowy NY! I hope everyone is staying safe and warm! Here is my latest video FORCE OF WILL live! https://youtu.be/RDyNdfmLcBw Huge socially distanced hugs to all. -Dave Dave Fields Plays Fodera Guitars http://www.fodera.com @dbfields1

New Spotify Playlist and show

I just created a new Dave Fields playlist on Spotify https://open.spotify.com/playlist/00RBRkzvCS57bXbiWE9Tar?si=EAtGJtkZQJaDQYZiT5E8uA This Friday January 22nd VILLA CAPRI 51 W Court St Doylestown PA 8-11pm – Dave Fields solo! I will be playing songs from my latest CD Force of Will and other Dave Fields and beyond that I love! http://letsgotovilla.com Also check out my latest […]

Hi Everyone!

This week I start recording along with Jay Dittamo, Kendall Scott and Vince Puryear, my new “side project” – progressive rock band And Beyond https://www.reverbnation.com/andbeyond7 Check out this video of FOREVER UNTIL SUNDAY from one of our shows at Stanhope House: https://youtu.be/GSaNTlCzMtc Also check out my latest video JACK HAM HER Live: https://youtu.be/RTyT_6nqSyo Upcoming Shows […]

Happy Chanukah!

Hi Everyone! Happy Chanukah! I love this time of year! Despite the pandemic, Chanukah, Christmas and New Year bring such cheer. I know in my heart and I’m hopeful that 2021 is going to be a much better year and that’s right around the corner. There are no Dave Fields shows as of now but […]


Saturday December 12th from 6-9:30pm I will be back at Tambour 652 5th Ave Brooklyn NY. Featuring: Nick DiFrisco, Joey Lauricella and Bob Franceschini. Special guest Philip Masorti will be playing songs from his new CD’s Below the Tracks and Separate Ways. Chef Adam Torres will ROCK your world! Come down and support socially distanced […]

510,000 Streams on Spotify!

Hi Everyone! THANK YOU ALL MY SPOTIFY LISTENERS! I can’t thank you enough… Pocket Full of Dust from my previous CD UNLEASHED has just surpassed 510,000 streams on Spotify https://open.spotify.com/track/0QpLq6RybVWoVvhmC1PCeW?si=HcQ2-zZlSYSzPCdzjoLlZQ Force of Will (the title song from my latest CD) has just surpassed 30,000 streams since its release July 3rd 2020 https://open.spotify.com/track/417FpjrlfsGIJRsrdOdw2n?si=bg1Gfei6QZKuyzzeioacLQ There are no […]

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! During these Covid times, I’m reminded now more than ever how thankful I am for what I have in my life. With the holidays coming up I have a simple wish for all you readers, stay safe, happy and healthy. I know amazing days are headed our way so hang in there. […]