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“ALL IN” at #5 on RMR Blues Rock Charts!

Wow!!!! I’m so psyched! I’ve been away on tour in Norway and I get back and “ALL IN” is number 5 on the RMR Blues Charts! WOOHOO! I try to post something every week but the past two weeks were just a whirlwind of amazing experiences. First of all my wife Judy and I flew […]

Dave Fields European Band in Norway!

(photo Roald Jungard) Dave Fields, Kåre Amundson and Bjørn Hagset The Dave Fields European Band takes the stage in Norway this past weekend with shows in Smøla and Kristiansund! Also Dave’s new CD “All In” debuts at #6 on The NY Blues Charts AND has been getting RAVE reviews. Stayed tuned for more exciting news!

Trandal, Lazy Lester, my new video and more!

Wow, what a trip I just had to Norway! Check out this picture from the stage of The Trandal Blues Festival The place was beyond description. I wish I could take all my American friends with me to experience the unfettered beauty. The Norwegians loved us and my band (Kare Amundsen on drums and Bjorn […]

“All In” Radio Request Lines!

Starting July 1, 2014 you can Request the Dave Fields “All In” CD on your favorite radio station. Click the photo to enlarge and get station request lines https://www.facebook.com/events/676755325731703/ OR You can click here: http://www.davefields.com/detonation-radio-request-lines/

Blues Underground Network John Vermilyea ALL IN Review!

Blues Underground Network John Vermilyea “ALL IN” is the next stop in the journey of electrifying rock-blues artist Dave Fields. This 11 song CD will stir your emotions while his guitar will scintillate you. Listen To Samples Here… http://www.davefieldsmusic.com/all-in/ Following Review Excerpt Courtesy Of donandsherylsbluesblog Dave Fields is one of the most dazzling, cutting-edge guitarists […]

WOW! Check out this “ALL IN” review from Sheryl & Don Crow, Nashville Blues Society

http://donandsherylsbluesblog.wordpress.com/2014/06/04/dave-fields-review-june-3-2014/ Dave Fields review…June 3, 2014… Posted June 4, 2014 DAVE FIELDS ALL IN FMI RECORDS CHANGES IN MY LIFE–VOODOO EYES–LET’S GO DOWNTOWN–BLACK WIDOW–CROSS ROAD–WAKE UP JASPER–BLACK DOG–NOT GONNA LET YOU GET AWAY–GOT A HOLD ON ME–THAT’S ALL RIGHT–LOVER’S HOLIDAY Dave Fields is one of the most dazzling, cutting-edge guitarists on the scene today. He […]