(Dave Fields at Club Bonafide NYC with his Fodera Emperor Classic – Photo Charles Worrell)
Fodera Emperor Classic Guitar review by Dave Fields
It’s been a great honor to be one of the first people here in the NYC area to get a Fodera Guitar endorsement. I’ve known the folks at Fodera for years having played in many bands with legendary bassist and Fodera cofounder Joey Lauricella. For those of you who haven’t met Vinny Fodera he’s the most beautiful man you’d ever want to meet and the most amazing master luthier in the NYC and beyond area. Jason DeSalvo, the other partner is a true gentleman and also my pal BUT…. this article is not about how amazing the owners of Fodera are or about how much I love them. It’s about the guitars they create and believe me, I’m a tough critic! I’ve assembled the three of my previous guitars and I know what goes into building a guitar. That’s why, as much as I was thrilled when I was offered the Fodera Guitar endorsement, I knew when I got the guitar I would have to take some hard looks at it.
Let me start off by saying, I’ve had my Fodera Emperor Classic about a month now. When we were discussing the build of the guitar, we all agreed that we weren’t going to go crazy customizing it. I did have a few requests however: that it would remain around 8lbs, that the neck would be a 60’s thin C style profile. I also asked for Humbucker-Single-Humbucker pickup configuration. I wanted spectacular quilted maple on chambered mahogany. The only thing that was an extra was the 24db boost pot. We mutually decided to put in Lindy Fralin pickups. We started out with two Pure PAF’s and a split blade for the single coil. Other than that, it’s a Fodera Emperor Classic like you would buy online or in the store.
It took some months to build, like any handmade guitar. I have to tell you though… when I first laid eyes on it, it was love at first sight…. The craftmanship, the attention to detail, the sheer beauty of it is truly remarkable…. Like nothing I’ve ever seen or held in my hands before. This guitar rings and sings like a beautiful drop dead gorgeous diva or it screams like a big haired rocker or croons like an old jazzer. I was awestruck by the evenness of every note in every register and especially the high notes which sang out as clear as a bell and had beautiful sustain. I couldn’t stop smiling after playing it!!!! LOL!!!
A couple of observations: When I first got my guitar, it was so new it had a faint smell of fresh paint. Joey and Vinny both cautioned me that the neck would need some time to settle in. I like very low action with D’Addario EXL 120 strings so I’m very sensitive to the slightest movement on the neck. One of my first shows with the guitar were in the summer where it was very hot and high humidity. The neck moved around for about a week or so but as Joey Lauricella put it, “you have to bend it to your will”! I love that! And that’s exactly what I did. I broke it in and WOW….!! It came even more alive! Will DeYoung, one of the gang at Fodera, was so amazing in helping me fine tune the sound by doing little tweaks to the frets and changing the neck pickup to a Sunbucker Blues. Also, and this is one of the incredible things about Fodera, Vinny recarved the neck for me just as a tweak. WOW… that’s one thing you could never get from a big guitar manufacturer: service, love, attention to detail and CARE!
I soon realized that the guitars that I had been playing were like toys AND, this is really huge, this hit me like a ton of bricks… why would someone spend the same amount of money on a guitar off the rack when they could get a handmade guitar from Fodera that would blow away anything they could buy from one of the big name guitar companies?!!!!
I could go on and on about my guitar and Fodera. Let me close by saying I wish you readers could play it! That says it all! Come to one of my shows and you can witness it in person or hear it on my new CD that should be out in spring of 2019, “Force of Will”.
Hope to see you soon!
(For more about Fodera Guitars:)
New Dave Fields Video
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by davefields(Dave Fields in his new Fodera Emperor Video – Photo Charles Worrell)
I’m so excited to share with you my latest video shot, directed and edited by Charles Worrell that is all about my new Fodera Emperor Custom guitar:
This Friday Nov 2nd TAMBOUR, 652 5th Ave Brooklyn NY
I will be back at Brooklyn NY’s coolest music – wine bar/restaurant with an evening of light blues-funk-soul-jazz with Nick DiFrisco on drums and Anthony “Tbone” McEwan on bass. Chef Leo and Chef Thomas will rock your world with his outrageous menu. I expect many special guests so bring your axe!
Big Show next week November 8th at Roxy & Dukes – Dave Fields & Friends with opening acts Bluesball and The Bob DelRosso band. I will have as my special guest Doc Peregrin plus more. Get your tickets now:
Coming Up For Dave Fields
Nov 8th ROXY & DUKES, Dunellen NJ
Nov 9th TAMBOUR, Brooklyn NY
Nov 13th PRELATEN, Tromsø NO
Nov 14th MONTENEGRO JAZZ & BLUES, Hammerfest NO
Nov 15th BARILA, Alta NO
Nov 16th VARDØ NO
Nov 17th LYSTGAARD, Skjerstad NO
Nov 23rd TAMBOUR, Brooklyn NY
I hope to see you soon!
Dave Fields Plays
Fodera Guitars
Pod Save America Theme Song HBO
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by davefields(Dave Fields at Blue Moon Cafe – Photo Rene Clark Campbell)
Hi Everyone! I have a lull in my schedule however you can still hear my music this week, I recently wrote the theme song for HBO’s newest political talk show POD SAVE AMERICA. The second episode will air this Friday Oct 19th on HBO at 11pm. Here is the link to the first episode:
I’m busy working away on my new CD “Force of Will”. I can’t wait for you to check it out when its done!
Coming Up For Dave Fields
Oct 26th TAMBOUR, Brooklyn NY
Oct 27th DADDY JACK’S, New London CT
Nov 8th ROXY & DUKES, Dunellen NJ
Nov 13th PRELATEN, Tromsø NO
Nov 14th MONTENEGRO JAZZ & BLUES, Hammerfest NO
Nov 15th BARILA, Alta NO
Nov 16th VARDØ NO
Nov 17th LYSTGAARD, Skjerstad NO
Nov 23rd STANHOPE HOUSE, Stanhope NJ
I hope to see you soon!
Big Fodera Show, Fodera Guitar Review and more!
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by davefields(Dave Fields Fodera Emperor Classic Guitar – Photo Judy Fields)
I know this might sound like a sales pitch but it’s not meant to be, I wake up every morning and I can’t wait to play my Fodera guitar! It’s THAT outrageous! So outrageous that I’ve written a review of which I will post online.
Wow, lots of cool shows this upcoming six days:
Saturday, Oct 13th I will be the special guest/host for the October babies party organized by Bill Philips at BLUE MOON CAFÉ, Englewood NJ. I will be accompanied by “The Highly Trained Professionals”.
Sunday, Oct 14th I return to Brooklyn NY’s coolest wine bar/restaurant music venue TAMBOUR, 652 5th Ave Brooklyn NY 5pm. I have to tell you. I’m loving playing at Tambour. The food, the wine the ambience is amazing and I love the staff. I’m excited about the scene that proprietor’s Nick and Amy DiFrisco have created there. Not to mention Nick DiFrisco is one bad-ass drummer! Anthony “TBone” McEwan will also with us on bass. It’s going to be fun!
WOW! This is one that you’re NOT going to want to miss! Monday, Oct 15th INDUSTRY CITY, 254 36th St in courtyard 1/2 Brooklyn NY 6pm Fodera Guitars presents a show of its guitar artists featuring: Joey Lauricella and Bluesball, Mike Bendy, Andy Cichon, Matt Garrison, Anthony Wellington, Reggie Young and myself. Come and hang with the legendary Fodera team that makes these amazing Fodera guitars and see an amazing night of Fodera Guitar artists!
Tuesday, Oct 16th I continue my residency at STANHOPE HOUSE 9pm 45 Main St Stanhope NJ where I will be a special guest at the jam hosted by Carol Fredericks.
Coming Up For Dave Fields
Oct 27th DADDY JACK’S, New London CT
I hope to see you soon!
Fodera Emperor Classic Guitar review by Dave Fields
/1 Comment/in Uncategorized /by davefields(Dave Fields at Club Bonafide NYC with his Fodera Emperor Classic – Photo Charles Worrell)
Fodera Emperor Classic Guitar review by Dave Fields
It’s been a great honor to be one of the first people here in the NYC area to get a Fodera Guitar endorsement. I’ve known the folks at Fodera for years having played in many bands with legendary bassist and Fodera cofounder Joey Lauricella. For those of you who haven’t met Vinny Fodera he’s the most beautiful man you’d ever want to meet and the most amazing master luthier in the NYC and beyond area. Jason DeSalvo, the other partner is a true gentleman and also my pal BUT…. this article is not about how amazing the owners of Fodera are or about how much I love them. It’s about the guitars they create and believe me, I’m a tough critic! I’ve assembled the three of my previous guitars and I know what goes into building a guitar. That’s why, as much as I was thrilled when I was offered the Fodera Guitar endorsement, I knew when I got the guitar I would have to take some hard looks at it.
Let me start off by saying, I’ve had my Fodera Emperor Classic about a month now. When we were discussing the build of the guitar, we all agreed that we weren’t going to go crazy customizing it. I did have a few requests however: that it would remain around 8lbs, that the neck would be a 60’s thin C style profile. I also asked for Humbucker-Single-Humbucker pickup configuration. I wanted spectacular quilted maple on chambered mahogany. The only thing that was an extra was the 24db boost pot. We mutually decided to put in Lindy Fralin pickups. We started out with two Pure PAF’s and a split blade for the single coil. Other than that, it’s a Fodera Emperor Classic like you would buy online or in the store.
It took some months to build, like any handmade guitar. I have to tell you though… when I first laid eyes on it, it was love at first sight…. The craftmanship, the attention to detail, the sheer beauty of it is truly remarkable…. Like nothing I’ve ever seen or held in my hands before. This guitar rings and sings like a beautiful drop dead gorgeous diva or it screams like a big haired rocker or croons like an old jazzer. I was awestruck by the evenness of every note in every register and especially the high notes which sang out as clear as a bell and had beautiful sustain. I couldn’t stop smiling after playing it!!!! LOL!!!
A couple of observations: When I first got my guitar, it was so new it had a faint smell of fresh paint. Joey and Vinny both cautioned me that the neck would need some time to settle in. I like very low action with D’Addario EXL 120 strings so I’m very sensitive to the slightest movement on the neck. One of my first shows with the guitar were in the summer where it was very hot and high humidity. The neck moved around for about a week or so but as Joey Lauricella put it, “you have to bend it to your will”! I love that! And that’s exactly what I did. I broke it in and WOW….!! It came even more alive! Will DeYoung, one of the gang at Fodera, was so amazing in helping me fine tune the sound by doing little tweaks to the frets and changing the neck pickup to a Sunbucker Blues. Also, and this is one of the incredible things about Fodera, Vinny recarved the neck for me just as a tweak. WOW… that’s one thing you could never get from a big guitar manufacturer: service, love, attention to detail and CARE!
I soon realized that the guitars that I had been playing were like toys AND, this is really huge, this hit me like a ton of bricks… why would someone spend the same amount of money on a guitar off the rack when they could get a handmade guitar from Fodera that would blow away anything they could buy from one of the big name guitar companies?!!!!
I could go on and on about my guitar and Fodera. Let me close by saying I wish you readers could play it! That says it all! Come to one of my shows and you can witness it in person or hear it on my new CD that should be out in spring of 2019, “Force of Will”.
Hope to see you soon!
(For more about Fodera Guitars:)
Victor’s, Tambour and Kingston NY!
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by davefields(Dave Fields Fodera Emperor Classic Guitar – Photo Dave Fields)
Thursday October 4th I return to VICTORS, 500 Commerce St Hawthorne NY 8:30pm to co-host and play with Roger Zee and Rudy Feinauer at Westchester NY’s best Thursday night jam. Bring your axe!
Friday October 5th I will be back yet again at Brooklyn NY’s newest wine bar/restaurant/music venue TAMBOUR, 652 5th Ave Brooklyn NY 8:30pm for a night of fun light jazz, funk, soul and blues. Chef Thomas will rock your world with his out of this world cooking! Featuring Nick DiFrisco on drums and TBone McEwan on bass.
Saturday Oct 6th 0+ FESTIVAL at THE ANCHOR, 744 Broadway Kingston NY w/ Mark Marshall 8pm. I will be part of my dearest friend and the man who I learned guitar from Mark Marshall as part of his band for the 0+ Festival!
Coming Up For Dave Fields
Oct 13th BLUE MOON CAFÉ, Englewood NJ special host
Oct 15th INDUSTRY CITY, Brooklyn NY 6pm Fodera Guitars presents
Oct 16th STANHOPE HOUSE Jam 9pm special guest
Oct 27th DADDY JACK’S, New London CT
I hope to see you soon!
STANHOPE HOUSE All Stars this week!
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by davefields(Dave Fields at Crossroads Blues Festival – Photo Lee Ann Flynn)
This week things dramatically slow down for me, I only have one show LOL! While I have the week slower I’m working on my new CD “Force of Will”. More news about that coming soon.
This Friday Sept 28th STANHOPE HOUSE 45 Main St Stanhope NJ with the Stanhope All Stars! I love playing with the owners of Stanhope House Jon and Matt Klein. It’s going to be a blast!
Coming Up For Dave Fields
Oct 4th VICTORS, Hawthorne NY
Oct 5th TAMBOUR Brooklyn NY
Oct 6th 0+ FESTIVAL, Kingston NY w/ Mark Marshall 8pm
Oct 13th BLUE MOON CAFÉ, Englewood NJ
Oct 15th INDUSTRY CITY, Brooklyn NY 6pm
Oct 27th DADDY JACK’S, New London CT
I hope to see you soon!
Dave Fields Plays
Tambour and Pinnacle Ridge Winery!
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by davefields(Dave Fields at Club Bonafide – Photo Charles Worrell)
Hi Everybody!
This week is yet another big Dave Fields weekend with three shows!
Before I get into that, I’m honored and grateful that Big City Rhythm and Blues magazine included me in their guitar players issue. Writer Luke Woltanski wrote a beautiful article about me. Click here to read:
This Week:
My first ever gig at Friday Sept 21st TAMBOUR 652 5th Ave Brooklyn NY 8pm featuring the amazing Nick DiFrisco on drums and T Bone on bass!
Wow, I’m so excited to retrun to my FAVORITE winery in the whole world, Saturday Sept 22nd PINNACLE RIDGE, 407 Old U.S. 22, Kutztown PA 4pm. Pinnacle Ridge is utterly spectacular. Its set on rolling hills in the beautiful Pennsylvania country side with an old barn where they host their summer concert seris. The wine is…. “forget-about-it”!!!!!!!
Sunday Sept 23rd LES ENFANTS de BOHEME, 177 Henry St NY NY 7pm I will be accompanying the legendary Paul Shapiro as he does his music. It’s going to be extra special, it’s going to be a duo: Paul Shapiro/vocals and reed instruments and Dave Fiewlds/(Fodera) guitar!
Coming Up For Dave Fields
Sept 28th STANHOPE HOUSE w/Stanhope All Stars!
Oct 4th VICTORS, Hawthorne NY
Oct 6th 0+ FESTIVAL, Kingston NY w/ Mark Marshall
Oct 13th BLUE MOON CAFÉ, Englewood NJ
Oct 15th INDUSTRY CITY, Brooklyn NY
Oct 27th DADDY JACK’S, New London CT
I hope to see you soon!
Stanhope House/Crowded Castle Brewery
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by davefields(Dave Fields at Crossroads Blues Festival – Photo Lee Ann Flynn)
Thank you to everyone for your support last week in making all the shows such a success! Also a special thanks to all the fabulous artists who performed with me.
This Week:
This Friday Sept 14th I continue my residency at STANHOPE HOUSE, 45 Main St Stanhope NJ 8pm in the cabaret room. With me will a reunion of the members of my band “The Coyotes”: Andy Huenerberg (bass) and Tom DeFaria (drums).
Friday Sept 15th CROWDED CASTLE BREWERY, 242 Bridge St Phoenixville PA I play my second show in seven days in Phoenixville. Come check out Phoenixville’s coolest craft beer/music venue!
Coming Up For Dave Fields
Sept 22nd PINNACLE RIDGE, Kutztown PA
Sept 28th STANHOPE HOUSE w/Stanhope All Stars!
Oct 4th VICTORS, Hawthorne NY
Oct 6th 0+ FESTIVAL, Kingston NY
Oct 13th BLUE MOON CAFÉ, Englewood NJ
Oct 27th DADDY JACK’S, New London CT
I hope to see you soon!
Club Bonafide NYC this Thurs Sept 6th and More!
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by davefields(Dave Fields new Fodera Emperor guitar! Ludlow St NY NY photo Judy Fields)
This is the big week with three huge Dave Fields shows!
This Thursday September 6th Dave Fields – Fodera Guitar show at Club Bonafide 212 E 52nd St NY NY where dave will be unveiling his new Fodera Emporer Guitar! Featuring a night of Fodera Guitar artists starting at 8pm: Opening act BLUES BALL, Elisa Brown and the grammy award winning bassist Reggie Young and his band!
For tickets:
Friday Sept 7th TWISTED TAIL, Philadelphia PA 9pm Philadelphia’s premier blues room!
Sept 8th PHEONIXVILLE BLUES FESTIVAL Pheonixville PA 8:45pm
Coming Up For Dave Fields
Sept 14th STANHOPE HOUSE, Stanhope NJ
Sept 22nd PINNACLE RIDGE, Kutztown PA
Sept 28th STANHOPE HOUSE w/Stanhope All Stars!
I hope to see you soon!
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by davefields(Dave Fields NY NY)
Wow… my new Fodera Emperor guitar is a work of art… the attention to detail, the wood, the presentation is outstanding. After playing two shows with it I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s like a cultured, refined, elegant beauty that’s absolutely a masterpiece. The quilted maple top is just about the most dazzling top I’ve ever seen. Master luthier Vinny Fodera handpicked the neck wood which is premium select “pearloid” birdseye maple and rock birdseye maple. It’s awesome…..! More pictures to come in the upcoming weeks!
This week some big shows in the Midwest!
I’m the opening act for the 9th annual Crossroads Blues Festival. I will have Andy Huenerberg and Matt Arbeiter with me!
Aug 26th FLATTED FIFTH Bellevue Iowa (Jazz show)
I return to Bellevue Iowa to the best BBQ joint on the Mississippi THE FLATTED FIFTH at Potter Mill for a special early evening jazz show! 5-8pm
*Thursday September 6th will be the big Dave Fields – Fodera Guitar show at Club Bonafide 212 E 52nd St NY NY Featuring a night of music starting at 8pm: Opening act BLUES BALL, Elisa Brown and the amazing Reggie Young!
Coming Up For Dave Fields
Sept 7th TWISTED TAIL, Philadelphia PA
Sept 21st STANHOPE HOUSE, Stanhope NJ
Sept 22nd PINNACLE RIDGE, Kutztown PA
I hope to see you soon!